A court in Russia's Far Eastern city of Khabarovsk on August 30 sentenced activist Zigmund Khudyakov to 23 days in jail for publicly wearing in January a T-shirt with a picture of late opposition leader Boris Nemtsov, who was shot dead near the Kremlin in 2015. Khudyakov was found guilty of "violating regulations for holding public rallies." Last month, Khudyakov served 22 days in jail for wearing a similar T-shirt on another day in January. Khudyakov also is known for his support of another late opposition figure, Aleksei Navalny, and for making calls for an end to Russia's ongoing invasion of Ukraine. To read the original story by RFEW/RL's Siberia.Realities, click here.
Russian Man Jailed For Wearing T-Shirt With Photo Of Slain Opposition Leader Nemtsov
Zigmund Khudyakov (file photo)