Ukrainian air defenses shot down 15 out of the 25 drones that Russia launched at Ukraine's territory on March 11, the military said, adding that Russian shelling caused victims among civilians as well as material damage. Civil infrastructure was hit in Kharkiv, Mayor Ihor Terekhov said on Telegram, adding that nearby residential buildings were also damaged, but that there were no casualties. The Odesa and Sumy regions were also targeted by drones, the military said. There were no immediate reports of casualties or damage. To read the original stories by RFE/RL's Ukrainian Service, click here and here.
Ukraine Downs 15 Out Of 25 Russian Drones; Damage Reported In Kharkiv
Relatives and friends of Ukrainian prisoners of war from the Azov Brigade hold placards during a rally in the center of Kyiv on March 10 calling for an exchange with Russian prisoners.