The Telegram channel Kuzbass bez ekstremizma, which is linked to police in Russia's Kemerovo region, said on March 1 that local activist Sergei Piskunov, who was arrested last month on a charge of sexual abuse, is now also accused of violating the law on so-called foreign agents. Piskunov was labeled a foreign agent in 2021. Investigators say Piskunov failed to mark his public materials as created by a foreign agent. Piskunov used to coordinate activities of the Golos (Voice) movement that monitored elections in Kemerovo. To read the original story by RFE/RL's Siberia.Realities, click here.
Siberian Activist Arrested On Sexual Abuse Charge Now Accused Of Violation Of Foreign Agent Law
Activist Sergei Piskunov used to coordinate activities of the Golos (Voice) movement that monitored elections in Kemerovo, Russia. (file photo)