Russia's Interior Ministry on November 14 added to its wanted list on unspecified charges Abakar Abakarov, who is believed to be an owner and administrator of Utro Daghestan (Morning Daghestan), the Telegram channel allegedly behind violent anti-Semitic unrest last month in the mostly Muslim-populated North Caucasus region. On October 29, hundreds of people shouting anti-Jewish slogans stormed and shut down the airport in Daghestan's capital, Makhachkala, after a flight arrived from Israel. A hotel was also attacked amid rumors that Israeli "refugees" were staying there, while the unfinished building at a Jewish community center was attacked by arsonists. To read the original story by RFE/RL's Caucasus.Realities, click here.
Russia Adds Suspected Owner Of Telegram Channel Allegedly Behind Anti-Semitic Unrest In Daghestan To Wanted List
A local man waves a Palestinian flag during a rally at the Makhachkala airport after the arrival of a scheduled flight from Tel Aviv on October 29.