Russia's prosecutor-general has added the Doxa student magazine to the register of "undesirable organizations," according to a post on the Telegram channel of the State Duma commission that investigates alleged interference by foreign states in Russia's domestic affairs. The Prosecutor-General's Office has yet to officially announce the move. The commission's chairman, Vasily Piskarev, has accused Doxa of being "involved in training on sabotage activities on Russia's territory." Four former editors of Doxa were sentenced to two years of correctional labor each in December 2022 over a video about opposition politician Aleksei Navalny's incarceration. To read the original story by RFE/RL's Russian Service, click here.
Russia Declares Doxa Student Magazine 'Undesirable Organization'
Three of the four former editors of Doxa sentenced to two years of correctional labor in December 2022 wait for a court session in Moscow in April 2021.