Telegram channels in Russia's Tatarstan quoted the wife of prominent veteran activist Zinnur Agliullin as saying that her 73-year-old husband had been detained for questioning after police searched their home on September 18. Almira Agliullina added that a police officer told her husband that a case had been launched against him on a charge of propagating extremism. Agliullin, who years ago used to lead the All-Tatar Public Center (TIU), once a leading nongovernmental organization involved in promoting and protecting Tatar history, culture, and language, was released after questioning. In 2022, the TIU was labeled an extremist group and banned in Russia. To read the original story by RFE/RL's Tatar-Bashkir Service, click here.
Veteran Activist Briefly Detained For Questioning In Russia's Tatarstan
Veteran Tatar activist Zinnur Agliullin (file photo)