Kazakh authorities have detained journalist Yevgenia Baltatarova who is wanted in her native Republic of Buryatia in Russia for alleged distribution of false information about Russia's armed forces. Baltatarova wrote on Telegram on November 2 that she was detained at the Almaty airport on her way to Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Baltatarova added that the charges against her in Buryatia stem from her reposting online reports about Russian attacks against civilians in Ukraine. A Russian law passed in March criminalizes the dissemination of "fake" reports that "discredit the armed forces." To read the original story from RFE/RL’s Siberia.Realities, click here.
Kazakh Authorities Detain Journalist From Russia's Buryatia
Journalist Yevgenia Baltatarova (file photo)