The Russian streaming service Yandex Music has blocked the new album by the rap group Kasta, which is known for its opposition to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Those looking to stream the album -- Novinki zarubezhnogo repa (News Of The Foreign Rap) -- on Yandex Music's site receive a message saying it "is inaccessible due to the request of Roskomnadzor," the state media watchdog. The album was released on September 6. Four days later, the pro-Kremlin Veterans of Russia group demanded that the rappers be declared "foreign agents" and investigated for financing Ukraine's armed forces. The group left Russia in 2022. To read the original story by RFE/RL's North.Realities, click here.
Russian Anti-War Rappers' New Album Blocked On Yandex Music Platform
Kasta left Russia in 2022. (file photo)