Instead of being released on June 3 after serving a 15-day stint in solitary confinement, Russian opposition politician Ilya Yashin received another 12 days in the punitive cell, his Telegram channel said on June 4. Yashin, who is serving an 8 1/2-year prison term for his criticism of Moscow's invasion of Ukraine, was initially places in solitary confinement for leaving his barracks three minutes later than he was supposed to. He said earlier the punishment was aimed at disrupting a scheduled three-day stay with his parents on the penitentiary's premises. To read the original story by RFE/RL's Russian Service, click here.
Kremlin Critic Yashin Gets Second Solitary Confinement In Row
Ilya Yashin is serving an 8 1/2-year prison term for his criticism of Moscow's invasion of Ukraine.