A 24-year-old man from Siberia died in hospital in St. Petersburg after self-immolating in front of a military recruitment center in Russia's second-largest city, medical personnel at the Dzhanelidze hospital said on May 2. Several Telegram channels said on May 1 that the man was hospitalized the previous day with burns over 90 percent of his body after he set himself on fire on the territory of the Leningrad region's military recruitment center. Since Russia launched its ongoing invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, several Russians have lit themselves on fire in protest. Dozens also have been arrested on terrorism charges for arson attacks on military recruitment centers. To read the original story by RFE/RL's North.Realities, click here.
Russian Man Dies After Self-Immolation Near Military Recruitment Center
A billboard in Moscow recruits men to join the Russian Army in its war in Ukraine.