Charles Recknagel
Charles Recknagel is standards editor for RFE/RL.
Also by Charles Recknagel
October 30, 2001
Pakistan: Church Shooting Shocks Nation
October 29, 2001
Pakistan: Afghan Currency Blown By Political Winds
October 25, 2001
Iraq: Magic And Myths Fascinate Arabs
October 24, 2001
Afghanistan: Taliban Role In Future Government An Open Question
October 18, 2001
Iran: Tehran Criticizes Air Strikes But Hints At Cooperation
October 17, 2001
Middle East: Rumors Mix War On Terror With Israeli-Arab Conflict
October 15, 2001
Afghanistan: Ex-King Seeks To Build Broad Coalition Among Rivals
October 12, 2001
Afghanistan: Analysts Discuss The Next Phase Of U.S. Strikes
October 11, 2001
Iran: Muslim Opposition Lukewarm On U.S.-Led War Against Terrorism
October 11, 2001
Iran: Tehran Seeks To Keep Refugee Aid Outside Its Borders
October 09, 2001
U.S.: Washington Keeps Options Open Amid Debate Over Broadening War
September 26, 2001
Iran: What Was Behind Straw's Dramatic Visit?
September 21, 2001
Iraq: U.S. Unlikely To Target Iraq Over Links To Terrorism
September 21, 2001
Iran: Tehran Pushes For International Response To Afghan Crisis
September 05, 2001
Iraq: Saddam's Romance Novel Heads For Stage As Musical