The Best Russian Protest Signs
"4 + 9 = 49" is a reference to the 49 percent that Putin's United Russia party received in the elections, which protesters dispute.
After the first round of protests, Putin had compared demonstrators' white ribbons to condoms.
"Don't reuse a used tandem," a wordplay that touches on Putin's condom comparison.
"Sacrificing freedom for the sake of security gives you neither"
"You can fake election results, you can't fake freedom"
"Where's my money from the [U.S.] State Department?" Putin had said that protesters took to the streets after comments made by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
"Puck Futin"
A reference to Russian prison tattoos, where criminals who receive a third term would receive a tattoo of Orthodox church domes. Putin is seeking a third term as president.
"Swindlers and thieves, get out!"
"I'm here for free"
"No voice, no choice"