Pope Benedict XVI has sent the much-anticipated first tweet from his personal Twitter account, telling followers: "Dear friends, I am pleased to get in touch with you through Twitter. Thank you for your generous response. I bless all of you from my heart."
The pope, using the Twitter handle @pontifex -- combining the words for pope and bridge builder --- will be signing off on a total of eight accounts tweeting in eight different languages.
In doing so, he's joining a growing list of religious figures firing off messages in 140 characters.
“If you are a religious leader, you would reach out to your followers by using sermons or letters," says Zeynep Tufekci, a sociologist, social-media commentator, and a fellow at the Center for Information Technology Policy at Princeton University, "and this has been a very standard part of what religious leaders do and now there are new ways of reaching people.”
Benedict is certainly not the first religious leader, or even pope, for that matter, to have taken to Twitter.
Pope Tawadros II of the Coptic Church of Egypt did so on November 27, only nine days after he was formally enthroned. He has so far sent more than 20 tweets containing proverbs in both English and Arabic and attracted more than 15,800 followers.
Pro 10:19 “In multitude of words sin is not lacking...he who restrains his lips is wise” Strife starts with words, expressions and reactions
— Pope Tawadros II (@PopeTawadros) December 10, 2012
The ecumenical patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew, is also on Twitter, but only tweets links to his press releases.
U.S. Christian evangelist speakers like Joyce Meyer have also carved out a prominent Twitter spot for themselves by gathering thousands of followers and retweets. Meyer has more than 1.5 million followers and mostly tweets verses from the Bible or her own proverbs.
Think about what you have been thinking about and you may find the source of some of your discontent. -Joyce
— Joyce Meyer (@JoyceMeyer) December 4, 2012
Meyer is also an example of a recent trend -- religious leaders tend to pull more weight per tweet than political or celebrity figures who have more followers.
WATCH: Pope Benedict tweets for the first time
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Pope Benedict Tweets For First Time
What counts as impact here is the number of times other users interact with an individual tweet -- for example by retweeting or "favoriting" it -- in relation to the number of followers the person has.
One recent tweet by Joyce Meyer to her 1.5 million followers has been retweeted 3,345 times:
If you feel alone, I want to assure you that you aren’t. God has promised to never leave you or forsake you & is with you right now! –Joyce
— Joyce Meyer (@JoyceMeyer) December 9, 2012
By comparison, a recent Hanukkah tweet by President Barack Obama, who has more than 24.3 million followers, was retweeted only 3,052 times:
From our family to everyone celebrating Hanukkah, Chag Sameach. -bo
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) December 8, 2012
Other religious figures, like Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, named by "Newsweek" magazine as one of the 50 most influential rabbis in the United States, use Twitter in a more promotional way.
Rabbi Shmuley’s Twitter account regularly updates his more than 26,000 followers with photos of his family life and links to his books and articles.
The result is lower Twitter interactivity, which means his tweets appear less on other users’ Twitter home feeds.
playing dreidel on chanuka and gambling for chocolate money. priceless yfrog.com/eszf5nzj
— Rabbi Shmuley (@RabbiShmuley) December 10, 2012
Another religious leader active on Twitter is Tibet's exiled Buddhist spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama. He first joined Twitter in 2010 and now has more than 5.6 million followers. His messages are retweeted thousands of times.
Besides tweeting inspirational messages and proverbs, the Twitter account, which tweets in the third person, also sends photos and videos of the leader’s speeches and encounters with other celebrities:
HHDL shaking hands with Dave Matthews onstage at the One World Concert held in Syracuse, NY, USA, on October 9th.twitpic.com/b2s6ox
— Dalai Lama (@DalaiLama) October 10, 2012
Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei tweets photos, links to press releases, and snippets of commentary on world events in both English and Persian:
#Iran's Leader praises resistance of people & youths of #Gaza:They've proved that w/t believe in God, complex militaries can be defeated.
— khamenei.ir (@khamenei_ir) November 21, 2012
Apart from Pope Benedict's inaugural message, he won't be sending tweets himself, relying instead on aides.
The messages will be on spiritual matters and more worldly affairs, such as reactions to major news events.
He'll also be answering selected questions sent over the last week and a half by people using the hashtag #askpontifex.
Tufekci says if the pope's Twitter account is just a condensed version of the pontiff’s sermons, press releases, and television appearances, then Twitter will be simply an extension of his offline activities.
However, if he uses the account in an interactive manner, the act would signal a break with tradition. "If he changed the issuing of statements and he became more interactive, that would be a huge change," Tufekci says. "That would change religion. That would change the Catholic Church. That would just be a very different kind of world."