Podcast: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories, Plus Afghanistan's First Rock Fest Since '75
Ten years later, conspiracy theories about 9/11 show no signs of abating.
Afghan insurgents launched an attack earlier this week on the American Embassy and NATO headquarters in Kabul, the sort of terrorist attack that has become depressingly common in that country.
Brian Viglione
But in Episode 36 of "The Blender," RFE/RL correspondent Ron Synovitz looks at the more optimistic side of Afghanistan in an interview with Brian Viglione, drummer for the popular U.S. punk cabaret duo The Dresden Dolls.
And RFE/RL correspondent Robert Tait interviews Mustafa Akyol, a Turkish writer and religious thinker, who has published a new book called "Islam Without Extremes: A Muslim Case For Liberty." Akyol seeks to reconcile the traditional tenets of the Islamic faith with liberal democracy.
James Kirchick
This week's host is RFE/RL writer at large James Kirchick.
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