'March Of Millions' In Moscow
Gennady Gudkov (second from right), a deputy head of the Just Russia party and Putin critic who was expelled from the Duma on September 14, gestures as he takes part in the protest.
"Putin Again?!"
A tribute to jailed punk group Pussy Riot among the protests
In a reference to Putin's recent escapade flying an ultralight aircraft to try and teach young cranes how to migrate, this woman's sign reads: "Abandon hope anyone flying behind me."
"For the Soviet Union"
"In the fall, birds fly 'south.' Putin will be the first," a wordplay on a vulgar Russian saying
"Early Elections Without Repressions!"
White ribbons and other white objects have become a rallying symbol of the Russian movement for freer elections.
The sign on the left references the 1925 Soviet satirical novel "The Heart of a Dog" by Mikhail Bulgakov by saying: "Sharikov is alive and he works with Putin."
"Freedom To Activists, Freedom To Us All."
In another vulgar Russian reference, this man holds up a sign that says: "A crane in the sky is better than a woodpecker in the Kremlin."