Foreign ministers from the G7 group of nations on November 4 condemned Tehran's response to a wave of protests in Iran sparked by the death of a 22-year-old Kurdish woman, Mahsa Amini. "We further condemn the brutal and disproportionate use of force against peaceful protesters," the ministers said in a statement after two days of talks in the German city of Muenster. "We advocate the right of all Iranians to access information, and we deplore the Iranian government's erosion of civil space, and independent journalism, its targeting of human rights defenders, including by shutting down the internet and social media," the ministers said. To read the original story from AFP, click here.
G7 Denounces 'Brutal' Iran Protest Crackdown
Protester Mehrshad Shahidinejad (center) holds up a picture of his father, who is one of the victims of the crackdown on protests in Iran, on November 3.