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An activist stops a lorry near the village of Chongar, in the Kherson region adjacent to Crimea.
An activist stops a lorry near the village of Chongar, in the Kherson region adjacent to Crimea.

Live Blog: Ukraine In Crisis (ARCHIVE)

Follow all of the latest developments as they happen.

Final Summary For September 21

-- NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has called on Russia to withdraw heavy weapons from eastern Ukraine.

-- No trucks have passed through the administrative border from mainland Ukraine to Crimea overnight, according to Oleh Slobodyan, the spokesperson for Ukraine’s State Border Service.

-- Hundreds of pro-Kyiv activists from Crimea's Tatar community and other opposition activists are taking part in the blockade of roads from Ukraine to the Crimean peninsula to protest Russia's annexation of the region last year.

-- The German government has criticized Russia for not distancing itself from plans by Russian-backed separatists to hold local elections in eastern Ukraine without consulting Kyiv.

*NOTE: Times are stated according to local time in Kyiv

22:48 20.9.2015

That concludes our live-blogging for today, September 20. Please join us again tomorrow.

22:40 20.9.2015

President Poroshenko said today that the conscription age will be raised from 18 to 20 years.

22:39 20.9.2015

22:37 20.9.2015

A shot of some of the beaches in Odesa on September 19. No signs of a let down in visitors.

22:33 20.9.2015

Trucks carrying goods are backed up for kilometers at the Crimean border.

22:32 20.9.2015

Shopkeepers in Kherson, which was affected by the goods blockade by Ukrainian activists, says store shelves are already emptying.

22:28 20.9.2015

22:27 20.9.2015

An aerial view of the opposition demonstration held on the outskirts of Moscow today:

22:25 20.9.2015

18:26 20.9.2015

A report on the blockade by Ukrainian activists at a border crossing into Crimea.

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