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A Ukrainian serviceman stands guard in the city of Schastye in the Luhansk region late last month.
A Ukrainian serviceman stands guard in the city of Schastye in the Luhansk region late last month.

Live Blog: Ukraine In Crisis (Archive)

Final News Summary For September 1, 2017

-- EDITOR'S NOTE: We have started a new Ukraine Live Blog as of September 2, 2017. Find it here.

-- Ukraine says it will introduce new border-crossing rules from next year, affecting citizens of “countries that pose risks for Ukraine.”

-- The Association Agreement strengthening ties between Ukraine and the European Union entered into force on September 1, marking an end to four years of political drama surrounding the accord.

-- The trial of Crimean journalist Mykola Semena will resume later this month after the first hearing in weeks produced little progress toward a resolution of the politically charged case.

*NOTE: Times are stated according to local time in Kyiv (GMT +3)

17:41 8.10.2016

19:04 8.10.2016

Some potentially useful background info regarding the type of missile that investigators say shot down Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 over eastern Ukraine:

19:05 8.10.2016

22:26 8.10.2016

A tweet from the U.K. ambassador to the OSCE:

22:29 8.10.2016

23:38 8.10.2016

23:41 8.10.2016

23:45 8.10.2016

Former Georgian President (and current Odesa Governor) Mikheil Saakashvili's opposition ENM party looks to have lost out to Georgian Dream. You can read more about Georgia's parliamentary elections here.

23:45 8.10.2016

23:53 8.10.2016

A tweet from Denmark's ambassador to the OSCE:

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