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A Ukrainian serviceman stands guard in the city of Schastye in the Luhansk region late last month.
A Ukrainian serviceman stands guard in the city of Schastye in the Luhansk region late last month.

Live Blog: Ukraine In Crisis (Archive)

Final News Summary For September 1, 2017

-- EDITOR'S NOTE: We have started a new Ukraine Live Blog as of September 2, 2017. Find it here.

-- Ukraine says it will introduce new border-crossing rules from next year, affecting citizens of “countries that pose risks for Ukraine.”

-- The Association Agreement strengthening ties between Ukraine and the European Union entered into force on September 1, marking an end to four years of political drama surrounding the accord.

-- The trial of Crimean journalist Mykola Semena will resume later this month after the first hearing in weeks produced little progress toward a resolution of the politically charged case.

*NOTE: Times are stated according to local time in Kyiv (GMT +3)

21:19 27.8.2017

21:17 27.8.2017

A Radio Svoboda video report about an organization in Kyiv that organizes tours for the elderly:

21:14 27.8.2017

A Crimean resident who has been sentenced to a 15-year prison term by pro-Russian officials has started a hunger strike and appealed to the UN about his case:

21:03 27.8.2017

U.S. envoy to the Ukrainian crisis Kurt Volker says relations between Russia and the United States will be spoiled until there is a resolution of the fighting in Donbas:

21:01 27.8.2017

Coming on the heels of President Poroshenko's pledge that the Ukrainian national anthem will be heard in separatist-held Donetsk one day, Russian crooner and Putin supporter Iosif Kobzon said that won't happen in his lifetime (Kobzon will be 80 years old on September 11):

20:54 27.8.2017

Ukrainian Prosecutor-General Yuriy Lutsenko is calling for Finance Minister Danyluk to be sacked:

20:52 27.8.2017

20:46 27.8.2017

A report from RFE/RL's news desk:

Volker Says Ukraine To Make Own Decision On NATO

Kurt Volker, the U.S. special envoy for efforts to end the conflict in Ukraine, says that the country is not ready yet to join NATO.

Speaking in an interview that aired late on August 26 on Ukrainian Pryamyi TV, Volker said preparations for accession to the western security alliance take a long time, though he believes the country will be able to carry out all of the reforms, including in the area of security, needed to join NATO.

"The United States, the EU, and Russia should all understand that Ukraine is an independent country and it is up to Ukraine to determine when it will be ready to join NATO," Volker was quoted as saying.

"But this does not mean that Ukraine is close to receiving an invitation to NATO," he added.

Volker applauded Kyiv’s decision in 1994 to abandon nuclear weapons, saying he did not “think that nuclear weapons were something positive for Ukraine."

In response to a question on the joint Belarusian-Russian military exercises due next month (September 14-20), Volker said the exercises, dubbed Zapad 2017 (West 2017), show that Western nations must develop their own security system together and be prepared for all possible scenarios.

A 2011 agreement between the member states of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) known as the Vienna Document, sets thresholds for the number of troops allowed to take part in exercises before the opposing side is allowed to demand a mandatory inspection.

Exercises involving 13,000 or more troops are subject to mandatory inspections. In the case of exercises involving 9,000 or more soldiers, the other side must be notified.

Russia and Belarus say the Zapad 2017 strategic exercises, which are conducted every four yearsy, are due to be attended by some 12,700 troops. However Lithuania, which has a common border with Belarus, and other critics say the actual number of troops taking part in Zapad 2017 could be as high as 100,000.

Based on reporting by Interfax, Deutsche Welle, and AFP

20:45 27.8.2017

09:25 27.8.2017

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