Here's another Saakashvil update from our news desk:
Police Serve Saakashvili With Notice On Border Breach
LVIV, Ukraine -- Ukrainian security forces have formally read out a protocol to Mikheil Saakashvili on his illegal entry into Ukraine two days earlier.
Saakashvili was served the notice in front of a group of journalists and lawmakers outside of a hotel in Lviv, with police and border guards on hand.
Security forces arrived at the Leopolis hotel earlier in the morning and initially blocked access to the building.
The State Border Guard Service confirmed the operation was aimed at serving Saakashvili with the document.
Saakashvili has been staying at the hotel in central Lviv since he and supporters broke through a line of Ukrainian border guards to cross from Poland to Ukraine on September 10.
Saakashvili said on September 12 in Lviv -- whose mayor, Andriy Sadovyi, has clashed in the past with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko -- that the protocol should have been delivered to him earlier.
"If they brought this protocol within three hours when we crossed the border ... they could not say that I was hiding somewhere. I was on the main square of Lviv, along with thousands of [people], I would have taken this protocol without question. But what they bring now is a violation of the law, "Saakashvili said.
He also said he would travel to Kyiv "within days, or weeks" after visiting "towns and villages" across Ukraine.
A day earlier, Saakashvili said he wanted to unite Ukraine's opposition against Poroshenko and that he planned to campaign for support.
Poroshenko had appointed Saakashvili to govern Ukraine's Odesa region in 2015. But Saakashvili resigned from the post last November after falling out with Poroshenko, complaining his reform efforts were being blocked.
In July, as their relations deteriorated, Poroshenko stripped Saakashvili of his Ukrainian citizenship.
The left the former Georgian president essentially stateless because Georgia stripped him of Georgian citizenship in 2015 when he obtained Ukrainian citizenship in order to take the Odesa post.
On September 11, Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov said Saakashvili faced "serious" criminal charges for his border breach, which Avakov described as "an attack on the state's basic institutions."
Sixteen security personnel were injured in clashes with Saakashvili's supporters during the incident on the Polish-Ukrainian border.
Two Saakashvili supporters -- Oleksandr Burtsev and Andriy Kotichenko -- were detained by police on September 12 for their alleged role in the border violence, according to the Ukrainian Interior Ministry.
Saakashvili, who is wanted in Georgia on allegations of corruption and abuse of power, claims to have UNHCR recognition as being "stateless."
He says he wants to challenge the revocation of his citizenship before a court in Ukraine.
With on reporting by RFE/RL's Russian Service and UNIAN
Here is today's map of the latest situation in the Donbas conflict zone, according to the Ukrainian Defense Ministry:
Moscow criticizes new education law over language claims:
Russia has criticized a new education law in Ukraine, saying it will infringe on the rights of Russian speakers in the country.
The Russian Foreign Ministry said on September 12 that the law was designed to "forcefully establish a mono-ethnic language regime in a multinational state."
A statement from the Russian ministry also alleged that the law violates Ukraine's constitution and Kyiv's international obligations.
The law was approved by the Ukrainian parliament on September 5. It restructures Ukraine's education system and specifies that Ukrainian must be the main language used in schools.
Ukrainian officials reject claims that minority languages will be sidelined.
They note that the law guarantees students from national minorities of Ukraine the right to study in municipal institutions using their language along with Ukrainian.
It says classes for students from national minorities should be taught in their languages as well as Ukrainian.
Hungary, Romania, and Poland also have criticized the legislation. (AP, UNIAN)