Thousands of mourners gathered on July 11 to pay tribute as the remains of 520 newly identified victims of the Srebrenica massacre were buried at the Potocari Cemetery on July 11, the 17th anniversary of the massacre of some 8,000 Muslim men by Bosnian Serb forces. A convoy with the caskets traveled through Sarajevo, attracted grieving relatives and others to pay their respects, briefly stopping in front of the Bosnian Presidency building in the capital.
Thousands Mourn Newly Identified Srebrenica Victims

A woman cries near a new open grave with the coffin of her late relative's remains, prepared for burial on July 11.

A woman weeps at the Potocari Memorial Center during the funeral ceremony in Srebrenica on July 11.

Lightning strikes during a storm over the Potocari cemetery the night before the July 11 mass burial.