A school was damaged by shelling on the morning of February 17 in Vrubivka in eastern Ukraine's Luhansk region. There were 53 children and 16 adults in the building when the attack occurred but none was injured.
Journalists from RFE/RL's Donbas.Realities team on the scene reported that shells landed 30-40 meters from the school. Shrapnel shattered windows and tore into walls. One private house was also damaged but was empty. Locals blame Russia-backed separatists for the attack.
Also on February 17, a kindergarten in the frontline town of Stanytsya Luhanska was heavily damaged by shelling and three people were injured.
The press center for Ukraine's military forces reported that, as of the morning of February 17, it had recorded 29 violations of a cease-fire agreement by the Kremlin-backed militants in the Donbas region, including 27 using weapons prohibited under the Minsk accords. At the same time, the separatists published accusations that Ukraine's military forces had fired on territories they control. The claims could not be independently verified.
Shelling Strikes Two Schools In Eastern Ukraine, Including Kindergarten

The shell-damaged school building in Vrubivka, Ukraine, on February 17.

A large crater outside the school.






A large shell fragment near the school.

Damage to a house near the school.


Heavy damage to a kindergarten in the frontline town of Stanytsya Luhanska. A total of 20 children and 18 staff were in the building that was shelled. Two women and one man were injured on the morning of February 17.
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