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Russian President Vladimir Putin's 12th annual press conference was staged in front of around 1,500 selected journalists in Moscow, many of whom wave signs to try to get their questions addressed.
Russian President Vladimir Putin's 12th annual press conference was staged in front of around 1,500 selected journalists in Moscow, many of whom wave signs to try to get their questions addressed.

Live Blog: Putin's Annual Press Conference

The Russian president fields selected questions on domestic and international affairs, with the country showing signs it might pull out of recession in 2017 and Russia's military supporting Assad in Syria and separatists in eastern Ukraine.

-- At his press conference with selected journalists on December 23, Russian President Vladimir Putin downplayed U.S. President-elect Donald Trump's tweet on nuclear capabilities as "nothing new" but warned of the threat of a new arms race with the United States if any side develops antimissile systems.

-- Putin also paraphrased Trump on the election-hacking question, saying, "How would we know it was Russia ...[and not] someone lying on a sofa who did it?"

-- He vowed that the assassination this week of Russia's ambassador to Ankara, Andrei Karlov, would not damage Russia-Turkey ties.

-- Putin downplayed the possibility of an early Russian presidential election in 2017, saying, "It is possible, but inexpedient." He left open whether he would run for a fourth term.

-- Putin cited "reasons for optimism" on Russia's economy and an "overall positive dynamic" based on 0.6 percent economic contraction in 2016.

-- On doping in sports, Putin called it "unthinkable" that Russia had any state program for doping (despite mounting evidence in multiple reports from international athletic groups, including another damning announcement today).

* NOTE: Times are stated according to local time in Moscow (GMT/UTC +3)

12:16 23.12.2016

Putin attacks the "centralization" of the European Union, saying it passes more regulations than the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union used to. Says it "up to Europe" to decide if this is good or note. Says countries like Poland and Hungary have to discuss such matters with Brussels. Says Russia is interested in good relations with Europe and hopes that Europe can speak "with one voice." But if that can't happen, Russia will develop bilateral relations with individual countries. Says Russia is not interested in internal matters of the development of the EU.

12:17 23.12.2016

Next question is about whether to create a government commission on the rights of animals.

12:18 23.12.2016

Putin says there should be stricter laws on the abuse of animals and he supports that.

12:19 23.12.2016
12:19 23.12.2016

This just in from Reuters, apropos to Putin's claim that it's "unthinkable" Russia had a state-sponsored doping program:

Twenty-eight Russian athletes who took part in the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi face disciplinary proceedings over possible manipulation of their urine samples, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) said on Friday.

The step follows publication earlier this month of the second and final part of the World Anti-Doping Agency's independent McLaren report into Russian doping.

It found more than 1,000 Russian competitors in more than 30 sports were involved in an institutional conspiracy to conceal positive drug tests over the course of five years.

The IOC said on Friday that in the case of the 28 athletes being investigated, there was "evidence of manipulation of one or more of their urine samples" collected at the 2014 Sochi Games for doping tests.

The IOC added that the 28 cases were not considered positive doping tests but "the manipulation of the samples themselves could lead to an Anti-Doping Rule Violation and sanctions."

IOC president Thomas Bach said: "This is the immediate follow-up to Professor (Richard) McLaren's Report.

"The IOC will go beyond the findings of the (McLaren) report by re-analysing all the samples of all the Russian athletes who participated in the Olympic Winter Games Sochi 2014 as well as all those who participated in the Olympic Games London 2012."

12:20 23.12.2016

Reporter also asked about the Eurasian Economic Union. Putin said all countries should benefit from membership in the EEU. Says Kyrgyzstan has had some problems bringing its agricultural production up to standards and that has hindered it from benefiting fully. But he says participation in the EEU is useful for all members. Putin says Russia and Kazakhstan are giving Kyrgyzstan administrative and financial help to bring it up to standards.

12:22 23.12.2016
12:22 23.12.2016

Next question is from RT, which Peskov reminds us is criticized in the West for being Kremlin propaganda. Reporter says the U.S. claims to be the most democratic country in the world, but now even average Americans are expressing doubts about democracy in the U.S. What does Putin think about this? Also asks about a woman who got a 7-year prison sentence for sending an SMS about Russian troop movements in 2008.

12:23 23.12.2016

Putin says Russian courts are independent, but he thinks the 7-year sentence is pretty harsh and plans to look into the case. Anticipates the appeals court will give a just decision.

12:24 23.12.2016

Putin, regarding U.S. election, says Electoral College system is antiquated and gives preference to some states. Says this is none of Russia's business and is up to the American people. Says the U.S. party that is called "Democratic" has forgotten what the word "democratic" means and has "shamelessly" used administrative resources to influence the election, including pressure on members of the Electoral College.

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