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Russian President Vladimir Putin's 12th annual press conference was staged in front of around 1,500 selected journalists in Moscow, many of whom wave signs to try to get their questions addressed.
Russian President Vladimir Putin's 12th annual press conference was staged in front of around 1,500 selected journalists in Moscow, many of whom wave signs to try to get their questions addressed.

Live Blog: Putin's Annual Press Conference

The Russian president fields selected questions on domestic and international affairs, with the country showing signs it might pull out of recession in 2017 and Russia's military supporting Assad in Syria and separatists in eastern Ukraine.

-- At his press conference with selected journalists on December 23, Russian President Vladimir Putin downplayed U.S. President-elect Donald Trump's tweet on nuclear capabilities as "nothing new" but warned of the threat of a new arms race with the United States if any side develops antimissile systems.

-- Putin also paraphrased Trump on the election-hacking question, saying, "How would we know it was Russia ...[and not] someone lying on a sofa who did it?"

-- He vowed that the assassination this week of Russia's ambassador to Ankara, Andrei Karlov, would not damage Russia-Turkey ties.

-- Putin downplayed the possibility of an early Russian presidential election in 2017, saying, "It is possible, but inexpedient." He left open whether he would run for a fourth term.

-- Putin cited "reasons for optimism" on Russia's economy and an "overall positive dynamic" based on 0.6 percent economic contraction in 2016.

-- On doping in sports, Putin called it "unthinkable" that Russia had any state program for doping (despite mounting evidence in multiple reports from international athletic groups, including another damning announcement today).

* NOTE: Times are stated according to local time in Moscow (GMT/UTC +3)

11:20 23.12.2016
11:21 23.12.2016

Backing up a bit, on the U.S. elections, Putin said he wants businesslike, constructive relations with both the incoming administration of President-elect Donald Trump and with the U.S. Democrats.

11:21 23.12.2016

Regarding alleged interference in U.S. election, Putin says that he never discusses his personal conversations with world leaders. Says the losing side "always looks for excuses" for their failures. Says that hackers did get the email of Democratic leaders, but quotes Trump as saying we don't know who did it. Says the more important point is the content of those emails. Putin speaks in considerable detail about the content of the emails and the conflict between Clinton and Sanders, the resignation of the head of the Democratic National Committee. Putin refuses to confirm that he discussed the election with Obama.

11:21 23.12.2016

Putin requests a question about the environment.

11:24 23.12.2016

Reporter asks if he can address government meeting on environment. Says the West doesn't care about the environment anymore and that Russia has now made the environment a top priority. Says there should be ecological programs on state television.

11:24 23.12.2016
11:28 23.12.2016

Putin does not agree that the West is doing "less than before" to protect the environment. Praises work on the Paris climate-change agreement, although it was a "complex process." Russia, Putin says, undertook tough commitments and will implement them. Says domestically, the environment is one of the most important areas of government work. Putin says he is personally upset by pollution and other environmental issues. Putin says government must change the laws to help preserve forests. "If we don't do this, if we don't take care of the forests and green zones, nothing will be left because there is nothing easier than just carting everything away," Putin says. Putin invites the reporter to attend the government environment meeting.

11:29 23.12.2016

Putin asks for a question about pensions. Question comes from editor of newspaper Young Leninets in Penza. Asks if there will be reform of the system of early retirement.

11:30 23.12.2016

Some of what Putin has said on the environment:

"I care a lot about pollution, landfills."

Forest preservation "is a serious issue as well. We'll have to change regulations to address this, of course."

"If we don't take care of the forests and green zones, nothing will be left around our cities, because there is nothing easier than just carting everything away."

11:32 23.12.2016

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