March 11, 2012, will mark the first anniversary of the massive earthquake and tsunami that pummelled Japan, claiming more than 19,000 lives. These combo images show areas in the devastated northeast in the disaster's immediate aftermath and again more recently.
Then And Now: One Year After Japan's Tsunami

On top, an image taken by a Miyako city official on March 11, 2011, of the tsunami breeching an embankment and flowing into the city of Miyako in Iwate Prefecture, and below, the same area on January 16, 2012

On top, people take pictures of a ship left on a building in Otsuchi, Iwate Prefecture, on April 17, 2011, and below on February 18, 2012

On top, tsunami-devastated Kesennuma in Miyagi Prefecture on March 13, 2011, and below on March 1, 2012

On the left, an aerial view of a tsunami-devastated area in Kesennuma on March 12, 2011, and on the right, on March 3, 2012

On top, the tsunami-devastated town of Yamada in Iwate Prefecture on March 14, 2011, and below on March 1, 2012

On the left, cars piled up in front of the airport control tower in Sendai on March 14, 2011, and on the right, the same area on January 12, 2012

On top, people evacuating with small boats down a road flooded by the tsunami in the city of Ishinomaki in Miyagi Prefecture on March 12, 2011, and below, the same area on January 13, 2012

On top, the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Fukushima Prefecture in December 2000, and below on February 26, 2012

On top, the tsunami-devastated city of Higashimatsushima in Miyagi Prefecture on March 12, 2011, and below, on March 3, 2012

On top, people walking on train tracks littered with cars in Tagajo, Miyagi Prefecture, on March 13, 2011, and below, the same area on January 12, 2012

On top, the tsunami-hit area of Rikuzentakata, Iwate Prefecture, on March 22, 2011, and below, the same area on January 15, 2012

On top, Yuko Sugimoto standing in front of debris looking for her son in the tsunami-hit town of Ishinomaki in Miyagi Prefecture on March 13, 2011, and below, with her 5-year-old son Raito on January 27, 2012