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All six approved candidates in Iran's presidential election onstage in Tehran on May 5 for the second of the three live debates. The election is set for May 19.
All six approved candidates in Iran's presidential election onstage in Tehran on May 5 for the second of the three live debates. The election is set for May 19.

Live Blog: Iran's Final Presidential Debate

* The six candidates approved for Iran's strictly vetted presidential ballot are appearing for the last of three live televised debates before the May 19 election. The topic is economics.

* Iranian President Hassan Rohani is seeking a second four-year term. His main challenges from the conservative side are expected to come from cleric Ebrahim Raisi and Tehran Mayor Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf. (Read profiles of the candidates.)

* The official campaign period ends on May 17, two days before voting in the first round of a possible two-round election. If no candidate gets more than half of the vote, the second round would be held on May 26.

* Official media put the number of eligible voters at around 55 million.

* In the first debate, the candidates clashed over Rohani's record on job creation. In the second debate, Rohani's conservative rivals accused him of having failed to "cash the check" from the 2015 deal curbing Tehran's nuclear program in exchange for international sanctions relief.

*NOTE: Times are stated according to local time in Tehran (GMT +4 1/2)

15:26 28.4.2017

First clash between Rohani and Qalibaf. Rohani accuses Qalibaf of lying for claiming he promised four million jobs. Qalibaf accuses Rohani of interrupting him.

15:29 28.4.2017

Who's better prepared? Journalist Omid Memarian believes Rohani is so far doing a better job than the other candidates.

15:30 28.4.2017

There's also praise for Qalibaf's performance.

15:34 28.4.2017

The debate is becoming more interesting. The attack on the Saudi embassy in Tehran came up.

15:39 28.4.2017

On Twitter, Rohani's supporters claim the individual who organized the attack on the Saudi embassy is close to Tehran Mayor Qalibaf.

15:52 28.4.2017

Rohani says some media in the country are trying to create divisions between the government and the people. He says people should be trusted.

15:55 28.4.2017

We touched on the vetting process in a video explainer ahead of the May 19 vote.

Is Iran's Presidential Election Free And Fair?
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15:56 28.4.2017

Qalibaf attacks Jahangiri, accuses him of being a cover candidate for Rohani.

15:59 28.4.2017

ICG's Vaez raises an important point:

16:02 28.4.2017

Jahangiri fires back at Qalibaf: Who are you to question me? He says he's come to represent the reformists. Your allies have marginalized reformists, he tells Qalibaf.

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