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All six approved candidates in Iran's presidential election onstage in Tehran on May 5 for the second of the three live debates. The election is set for May 19.
All six approved candidates in Iran's presidential election onstage in Tehran on May 5 for the second of the three live debates. The election is set for May 19.

Live Blog: Iran's Final Presidential Debate

* The six candidates approved for Iran's strictly vetted presidential ballot are appearing for the last of three live televised debates before the May 19 election. The topic is economics.

* Iranian President Hassan Rohani is seeking a second four-year term. His main challenges from the conservative side are expected to come from cleric Ebrahim Raisi and Tehran Mayor Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf. (Read profiles of the candidates.)

* The official campaign period ends on May 17, two days before voting in the first round of a possible two-round election. If no candidate gets more than half of the vote, the second round would be held on May 26.

* Official media put the number of eligible voters at around 55 million.

* In the first debate, the candidates clashed over Rohani's record on job creation. In the second debate, Rohani's conservative rivals accused him of having failed to "cash the check" from the 2015 deal curbing Tehran's nuclear program in exchange for international sanctions relief.

*NOTE: Times are stated according to local time in Tehran (GMT +4 1/2)

13:29 5.5.2017

And here Iranian President Hassan Rohani arriving for the debate:

13:24 5.5.2017

All of the six candidates have arrived for the debate. Here are some of their pictures:

13:03 5.5.2017

Iran's vice president for women's affairs Shahindokht Molaverdi has criticized the moderator's questions in the first debate on April 28, saying they were simple and superficial. Molaverdi said the state controlled TV should spent more time to design better question.

13:02 5.5.2017

We're about 30 minutes away from the scheduled start of this second debate.

12:30 5.5.2017

Live presidential debates were held during each of the last two presidential campaigns, in 2009 and 2013. This year, authorities initially announced the debates would be prerecorded, but the Election Campaign Monitoring Committee changed its mind in the face of widespread public criticism.

11:59 5.5.2017

A quick rundown of the election process under Iran's ruling clergy.

Is Iran's Presidential Election Free And Fair?
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18:17 28.4.2017

This entry marks the end of our live coverage of the first campaign debate, on April 28. Keep reading for our continuing coverage of Iran's 2017 presidential election.

17:55 28.4.2017

Many social media users are praising Eshaq Jahangiri as the winner of the debate. This user calls him "Super Eshaq."

17:32 28.4.2017

The debate has ended.

17:31 28.4.2017

Mohammad Ali Abtahi, a former vice president under reformist Mohammad Khatami, refers to Jahangiri as "the phenomenon" of this election season.

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