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An Iranian woman casts her vote at a polling station in Tehran.
An Iranian woman casts her vote at a polling station in Tehran.

Live Blog: Iran Votes For President


Iranians went to the polls on June 16 in the country's first presidential vote since the disputed 2009 election that saw Mahmud Ahmadinejad reelected for a second and final term. RFE/RL editors and the team at Radio Farda will provide updates throughout the day and night on the vote, letting you know what's at stake and what comes next for Iran.

12:44 14.6.2013
Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf shows his ink painted finger after his vote during the presidential election in Iran.
Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf shows his ink painted finger after his vote during the presidential election in Iran.
11:40 14.6.2013
11:40 14.6.2013
The Instagram feeds are quite interesting:

11:14 14.6.2013
Some calls to Radio Farda from Iran:

"I went and cast my vote like the reformists called on us to do. I have many reformist friends. We’ve been talking to each other in recent days and decided to go and vote.”

“I live in a small neighborhood, so there were no big lines of voters, but it is still middle of the day. [Turnout] was reasonably good.”

“From what I heard, Mr. [Hassan] Rohani’s candidacy has been attracting attention. Especially because of the third televised debate between the candidates, more people got to know him. Reformists and those who are close to those circles know him. They know [whom the are voting for], but many others did not know [Rohani]. I think the third debate left an impact.”

11:11 14.6.2013
Casting a ballot for president of Iran in Minsk, Belarus:

10:25 14.6.2013
Presidential candidate Hassan Rohani (center) shows his ballot to the media as he casts his vote at the Imam-Reza mosque in southern Tehran.
Presidential candidate Hassan Rohani (center) shows his ballot to the media as he casts his vote at the Imam-Reza mosque in southern Tehran.
09:55 14.6.2013
09:51 14.6.2013
RFE/RL's Mardo Soghom on the choices for the Supreme Leader in this election:

Flash Analysis: Iranian Election Means Tough Choice For Khamenei
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If you missed anything from the last week, check out more of our coverage here.
09:45 14.6.2013
Iran's Supreme Leader, after casting his vote in Tehran:

"I chose one of the presidential candidates. I have not told anyone [whom I voted for], even those closest to me. My family, my children, are not aware yet whom I’ve voted for."

"I recently heard that someone from America’s National Security Council said, ‘We don’t accept this election in Iran.' Well, to hell with you if you don’t accept it."

09:43 14.6.2013
The latest from the IPOS polling organization shows Rohani in the lead, but a lot of "undecideds" -- "Scenarios: Rohani And Ghalibaf Go to Runoff or Rohani Wins" [LINK]

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