On April 6, Bosnia-Herzegovina marked the 21st anniversary of its 1992-95 war, which finds the Balkan country deeply divided, with power shared uneasily between Serbs, Croats, and Muslims in an unwieldy state ruled by ethnic quotas. Slow-motion intervention eventually brought peace, but at the cost of ethnic segregation. The country's southern town of Mostar, where 70,000 people live, has resisted reconciliation and marked the anniversary without a budget to fund its basic public services. The fighting between Muslims, known as Bosniaks, and Croats in Mostar was some of the fiercest of the war and left them divided on the eastern and western banks of the River Neretva. These combination photographs compare significant Mostar sites during the war and today. (16 PHOTOS)
Mostar, Then And Now

Men cross a river using a makeshift bridge in Mostar after the destruction of Mostar's centuries-old bridge in November 1993, which was later rebuilt. The same location is seen in the bottom picture on February 23, 2013.

Damaged buildings in the old part of Mostar in June 1993, and below that the same location on February 23, 2013.

A man reads on the steps of a building in the destroyed section of the old city of Mostar in June 1993. Beneath this photo is the same street on February 23, 2013.

Damaged buildings in the old part of Mostar city in June 1993. The photo underneath shows the same place on February 23, 2013

The Mehmed Pasina Mosque in Mostar is seen damaged in June 1993. Beneath it is the mosque as it looks today.

People cross the old bridge in Mostar. On the right is the same location on February 23, 2013.

People walk past damaged buildings on the main Marsala Tita (Marshall Tito) Street in Mostar in June 1993 (left), and people walking on the same street on February 23, 2013.

Destroyed buildings on Santiceva Street in Mostar in June 1993. The other photo is the same street on February 20, 2013.