Orthodox Christians in the Ukrainian capital braved frigid temperatures for an icy dip in Kyiv's Dnieper River to mark Epiphany. The January 19 event symbolizes the baptism of Christ and the cleansing of the soul.
Orthodox Believers Mark Epiphany With Icy Swim In Kyiv

An Orthodox believer on the banks of the Dnieper River. The faithful believe that plunging into the icy waters during Epiphany strengthens their spirit and body.

An Orthodox priest blesses the waters of the Dnieper River at the Peredmistna Slobidka public beach in the Ukrainian capital. This year's Epiphany swim was held in honor of Ukrainian military volunteers who served with the Aydar battalion is eastern Ukraine.

Archpriest Taras Melnyk (left) consecrates the waters of the Dnieper River.

A military chaplain sanctifies the waters of the Dnieper River in honor of Ukrainian soldiers.

A believer wades into the cold waters of the Dnieper River.

It could have been much colder for these believers. In past years, participants have had to cut through the ice of the frozen Dnieper River for their Epiphany swim. This winter, however, has been relatively mild.

Participants warm up by a fire after taking their cold swim.

Participants walk back onto the shores of the Dnieper River. Temperatures in the Ukrainian capital this January 19 were around minus 2 degrees Celsius.

A celebratory selfie after Kyiv's Epiphany swim.

Entire families took their swims together.

Running out of the cold water after the Epiphany dip.

The cold water can be a shock to the system. Emergency crews and a rescue boat were on site.
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