Despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Belarus is making preparations for its annual Victory Day parade on May 9 that will mark 75 years since the defeat of Nazi Germany in World War II. Honor guards held rehearsals in the capital, Minsk, on April 6 at the Hero City Obelisk.
Belarus Prepares For Victory Day Parade Amid Pandemic

There was no sign of Belarusian soldiers practicing physical distancing as they line up during a parade rehearsal in Minsk on April 6. The preparations for the annual Victory Day parade started on March 17 and will continue until April 16. The annual event marks the defeat of Nazi Germany in World War II.

Belarus President Alyaksandr Lukashenka announced that his country will not cancel Victory Day celebrations because of the coronavirus pandemic. He will not be attending the event in Minsk, however, because he plans to be in Moscow to mark Russia's May 9 Victory Day parade instead.

Belarus's Defense Ministry announced that the celebration of the 75th anniversary of Victory Day will take place in the evening of May 9. The parade is expected to last about an hour.

A soldier draws a line on the asphalt for parade coordination.

Soldiers mark the area for the parade.

More than 3,000 military personnel are expected to take part in the parade.

Soldiers stand in a line during the Victory Day parade rehearsal on April 6. The final rehearsals will take place in Minsk on May 5 and May 7.

The Victory Day parade is expected to feature a column of mechanized weaponry, troops, and aerial units. More than 180 pieces of military hardware will be on display.

A Belarusian soldier during parade rehearsal.

Belarusian honor guards stand to attention.

Soldiers holding weapons during the rehearsal.

Belarusian military officers inspecting their soldiers.

Soldiers walk across the square with a "Minsk-Hero-City" sign in the background.

Soldiers pack into buses to leave the rehearsal area.
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