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Afghan election officials count ballot papers after polls closed in Kabul on June 14.
Afghan election officials count ballot papers after polls closed in Kabul on June 14.

Live Blog: Election Day In Afghanistan

Latest News

-- The vote count continues, as does the investigation into hundreds of claims of vote fraud. Final preliminary results are expected on July 2, and final results on July 22.

-- Many media refrained from reporting violence during the vote, but officials said June 15 that more than 270 Taliban attacks were recorded, resulting in the deaths of 50 civilians.

-- In one attack, a roadside bomb exploded beside a minibus that was carrying Afghan election workers home, killing 10 adults and a child.

-- Taliban militants severed the voting fingers of 11 voters in Herat Province.

-- The Independent Electoral Commission initially said that there were signs that voter turnout exceeded 7 million, putting it roughly on par with the first-round vote in April.

-- Officials said that, of those who turned out, 38 percent were women and 62 percent were men.

* NOTE: Times are stated according to local time in Kabul
11:54 13.6.2014
12:09 13.6.2014
Violence In The East

Radio Free Afghanistan reports:

Afghan officials say over 350 families in the eastern province of Khost have fled their homes. Fighting between Pakistani government forces and Pakistani-based militants has spilled over into Khost, which is located along the Pakistani border.

The fighting could restrict voting in Khost in tomorrow’s election. The IEC has already announced that a number of polling centers in the province will be closed due to insecurity.
12:30 13.6.2014
12:46 13.6.2014
12:58 13.6.2014
Battleground Provinces

The BBC visited key parts of the country where the second round election will be fought out. The battleground provinces include:

Herat – 100,000 ballots were invalidated in the first round in the province, but many were later allowed to stand

Jowzjan – Heavy floods in northern Afghanistan destroyed roads and houses and displaced thousands. Many of those people lost all their possessions, including their voting cards

Kandahar – The province where both Ghani and Abdullah fared poorly. Former Foreign Minister Zalmai Rasul, who finished third in the first round, claimed most of the votes in Kandahar.
13:32 13.6.2014

More than 3,000 donkeys, burros, and oxen have been enlisted to carry ballot materials to the most inaccessible, mountainous pockets of Badakhshan, Nuristan, Ghazni, Kunar, and other provinces.
13:53 13.6.2014
13:57 13.6.2014
14:05 13.6.2014

May 22 : Run-off campaign began

June 11: Campaign ended

June 14: Election day

July 2: Preliminary results announced

July 16: Complaints body submits final report

July 22: Final results announced

This is the timeline given by the IEC. But depending on the level of fraud, violence, and how close the race is, we could see significant delays.
14:22 13.6.2014
Emergency Number

Police in Afghanistan have created a hotline for people to call if they see any suspicious activity or want to report violence or claims of electoral fraud.

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