Inspired by popular revolts in Tunisia and elsewhere in the Middle East and North Africa, organizers urged Iraqis to turn out all over the country on February 25 to protest rampant corruption and a lack of basic services in an event they called "Day of Rage." Deadly clashes were reported between demonstrators and security forces, as many thousands of Iraqis turned out to rebuke the government but not seek to oust it, according to organizers.
'Day Of Rage' In Iraq

Many thousands took to the streets in the capital, Baghdad, to protest corruption and a lack of basic services.

Protesters atop a military vehicle as smoke rises from the Mosul governorate building.

Police dressed in riot gear block protesters in central Baghdad.

A protester plays his guitar among Kurdish security forces during a demonstration in Sulaimaniya.

Women carry Iraqi flags toward the "Day of Rage" demonstration in Baghdad.

A protester in Amara, Misan province holds a sign that says, "I am a citizen and I have rights. Where are they?"

Protesters carry Iraqi national flags during a demonstration in Al-Basrah, in southern Iraq. -

Protesters in Amara

Riot policemen shield themselves from rocks being hurled at them in downtown Baghdad.

Riot policemen in position during a demonstration in central Baghdad.