The vote comes as the world body hopes to see Muslim countries contribute up to half the force's soldiers, but so far few have made commitments. Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul has said any deployment would likely not number more than 1,000 soldiers
A Turkish deployment is backed by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and other senior officials, who say Turkey has an obligation to contribute to regional stability. Ankara has friendly ties with Israel as well as with Beirut.
But the idea is rejected by opposition lawmakers and some members of the ruling Justice and Development Party who are said to be wary over the risks Turkish troops could face.
Today's Turkish parliamentary debate comes as only a handful of Muslim countries so far have said they are ready to send troops for the strengthened UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL).
Qatar Takes The Plunge
One is the Persian Gulf state of Qatar. Foreign Minister Sheikh Hamad al-Thani announced the emirate's participation at a news conference with UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan in Doha on September 4.
"The government of Qatar has decided to contribute to the UNIFIL forces by sending 200 to 300 troops," al-Thani said. "It is therefore clear that we would like to tell the world that there will
be an Arab presence, albeit a small one."
Qatar is the only Arab country to have joined the force. It is often considered something of a maverick in the Arab world because it has low-level trade ties with Israel.
Other Arab countries appear to be staying away over worries they would appear to be cooperating with Israel in the UN-brokered peace that ended 34 days of Israel-Hizballah fighting on August 14.
More Muslim Participation
Indonesia, home to the world's largest Muslim population, said on September 1 that it is preparing to send 1,000 troops to Lebanon.
Indonesian Defense Minister Juwono Sudarsono said the decision came after Israel dropped earlier objections to deployments of troops from countries that do not recognize it as a state. Israel has not commented on that report.
Meanwhile, the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry says Baku is also prepared to contribute troops to UNIFIL, but Azerbaijan's parliament has yet to formally approve a deployment.
Azerbaijan has some 200 peacekeepers already serving in Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Iraq. It is not yet clear how many troops they are prepared to contribute to the Lebanon peacekeeping force.
Other Muslim countries that have expressed interest are Malaysia, which has also offered up to 1,000 soldiers, and Bangladesh.
Europe Leading The Way
So far, almost all the troops committed to the strengthened UN force in Lebanon have come from European countries.
The largest deployment is from Italy, which began landing troops in the region on September 2 and 3. In all, Italy plans to send 3,000 troops, France 2,000, and Spain more than 1,000. Poland and Belgium have also pledged to take part.
The UN has welcomed these commitments, which will bring the force up to about half its planned size of 15,000 soldiers.
But the world body wants the other half to come from Muslim countries, saying that will help stabilize Lebanon, a predominantly Muslim country.
UN peacekeepers in Haiti in February 2006 (AFP)
MISSION In cases in which international intervention in regional conflicts is deemed necessary, peacekeeping missions authorized by the UN Security Council provide legitimacy by demonstrating the commitment of the international community to address such crises.
MANDATE UN peacekeeping missions are prepared, managed, and directed by the UN's Department of Peacekeeping Operations. The unique mandates of peacekeeping missions falls under the authority of the UN's Security Council and General Assembly, and under the command of the UN secretary-general.
MONEY Funding for UN peacekeeping missions is provided by UN member states. All are legally obliged to pay a share under an established formula. The leading financial providers as of 2006 were: the United States, Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Canada, Spain, China, and the Netherlands.
MORE All UN peacekeeping missions share the goals of alleviating human suffering and creating conditions for self-sustaining peace. Missions can consist of armed or unarmed military components, depending on their mandate, and various civilian tasks.
Military operations can include:
· Deploying to prevent the outbreak of conflict or the spillover of conflict across borders;
· Stabilizing conflict situations after a cease-fire in order to create an environment for the parties to reach a lasting peace agreement;
· Assisting in implementing comprehensive peace agreements;
· Leading states or territories through a transition to stable government, based on democratic principles, good governance, and economic development.
HISTORY There have been 60 peacekeeping operations since 1948. Fifteen peacekeeping missions were in operation in mid-2006, employing more than 60,000 troops, 7,000 police, and over 2,500 military observers. Peacekeeping operations in 2006 were supported by uniformed personnel provided by 109 countries.
(source: UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations)
Middle East: UN Mulls New International Force For Lebanon
Georgia: Issue Of Russian Peacekeepers Heats Up
UN: U.S. Presses For Peacekeeper Deployment To Darfur
A Turkish deployment is backed by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and other senior officials, who say Turkey has an obligation to contribute to regional stability. Ankara has friendly ties with Israel as well as with Beirut.
But the idea is rejected by opposition lawmakers and some members of the ruling Justice and Development Party who are said to be wary over the risks Turkish troops could face.
Today's Turkish parliamentary debate comes as only a handful of Muslim countries so far have said they are ready to send troops for the strengthened UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL).
Qatar Takes The Plunge
One is the Persian Gulf state of Qatar. Foreign Minister Sheikh Hamad al-Thani announced the emirate's participation at a news conference with UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan in Doha on September 4.
"The government of Qatar has decided to contribute to the UNIFIL forces by sending 200 to 300 troops," al-Thani said. "It is therefore clear that we would like to tell the world that there will
be an Arab presence, albeit a small one."
Qatar is the only Arab country to have joined the force. It is often considered something of a maverick in the Arab world because it has low-level trade ties with Israel.
Other Arab countries appear to be staying away over worries they would appear to be cooperating with Israel in the UN-brokered peace that ended 34 days of Israel-Hizballah fighting on August 14.
More Muslim Participation
Indonesia, home to the world's largest Muslim population, said on September 1 that it is preparing to send 1,000 troops to Lebanon.
Indonesian Defense Minister Juwono Sudarsono said the decision came after Israel dropped earlier objections to deployments of troops from countries that do not recognize it as a state. Israel has not commented on that report.
Meanwhile, the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry says Baku is also prepared to contribute troops to UNIFIL, but Azerbaijan's parliament has yet to formally approve a deployment.
Azerbaijan has some 200 peacekeepers already serving in Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Iraq. It is not yet clear how many troops they are prepared to contribute to the Lebanon peacekeeping force.
Other Muslim countries that have expressed interest are Malaysia, which has also offered up to 1,000 soldiers, and Bangladesh.
Europe Leading The Way
So far, almost all the troops committed to the strengthened UN force in Lebanon have come from European countries.
The largest deployment is from Italy, which began landing troops in the region on September 2 and 3. In all, Italy plans to send 3,000 troops, France 2,000, and Spain more than 1,000. Poland and Belgium have also pledged to take part.
The UN has welcomed these commitments, which will bring the force up to about half its planned size of 15,000 soldiers.
But the world body wants the other half to come from Muslim countries, saying that will help stabilize Lebanon, a predominantly Muslim country.
UN Peacekeepers
UN Peacekeepers

MISSION In cases in which international intervention in regional conflicts is deemed necessary, peacekeeping missions authorized by the UN Security Council provide legitimacy by demonstrating the commitment of the international community to address such crises.
MANDATE UN peacekeeping missions are prepared, managed, and directed by the UN's Department of Peacekeeping Operations. The unique mandates of peacekeeping missions falls under the authority of the UN's Security Council and General Assembly, and under the command of the UN secretary-general.
MONEY Funding for UN peacekeeping missions is provided by UN member states. All are legally obliged to pay a share under an established formula. The leading financial providers as of 2006 were: the United States, Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Canada, Spain, China, and the Netherlands.
MORE All UN peacekeeping missions share the goals of alleviating human suffering and creating conditions for self-sustaining peace. Missions can consist of armed or unarmed military components, depending on their mandate, and various civilian tasks.
Military operations can include:
· Deploying to prevent the outbreak of conflict or the spillover of conflict across borders;
· Stabilizing conflict situations after a cease-fire in order to create an environment for the parties to reach a lasting peace agreement;
· Assisting in implementing comprehensive peace agreements;
· Leading states or territories through a transition to stable government, based on democratic principles, good governance, and economic development.
HISTORY There have been 60 peacekeeping operations since 1948. Fifteen peacekeeping missions were in operation in mid-2006, employing more than 60,000 troops, 7,000 police, and over 2,500 military observers. Peacekeeping operations in 2006 were supported by uniformed personnel provided by 109 countries.
(source: UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations)
Middle East: UN Mulls New International Force For Lebanon
Georgia: Issue Of Russian Peacekeepers Heats Up
UN: U.S. Presses For Peacekeeper Deployment To Darfur