The new charges include the gassing of thousands of civilians in the village of Halabjah in 1988.
Investigative Judge Ra'id al-Juhi said the charges against Saddam and the others have been filed with another jurist, who will review the evidence and order a trial date. The move is tantamount to an indictment under the Iraqi legal system.
The case relates to Hussein's alleged role in Operation Anfal against Kurds in northern Iraq in the late 1980s. The campaign included the gas attack on Halabjah, in which 5,000 people died, including many women and children.
The announcement came only a day before the trial is set to resume of Hussein and seven others for the massacre of Shi'ite villagers in Al-Dujayl in 1982.
(AP, Reuters)
Saddam Hussein In Pictures

A slideshow of photographs from Saddam Hussein's years ruling Iraq through his downfall.