The attackers left Huseynli after he lost consciousness, and passers-by took him to a hospital.
"Azadliq" Editor Qanimat Zahid told a press conference today that the attack on Huseynli could only be linked to his professional activities.
Interior Ministry spokesman Ehsan Zahidov rejected the allegations. According to Zahidov, Huseynli initially told doctors he injured himself in a fall but later changed his account of what happened.
The Interior Ministry said it was investigating the incident.
Last year, Elmar Huseinov, editor of the opposition magazine "Monitor," was shot in the lobby of his Baku apartment building. Both the United States and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) called on Azerbaijani authorities to solve that killing.
(with material from Interfax, AP)
RFE/RL Caucasus Report

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