Lidia Grafova, the head of the umbrella Forum of Migrants' Organizations, told Ekho Moskvy radio that the group's foreign sponsors have frozen funding pending final government decisions on the draft NGO law.
The proposed law would require local branches of foreign NGOs to reregister as Russian entities subject to stricter financial and legal limitations. Russian President Vladimir Putin has promised to amend the bill following sharp criticism from international human rights organizations, the European Union, and the United States.
The Forum of Migrants' Organizations, which was founded in 1996, comprises 198 migrant-assistance organizations in 47 Russian regions.
(Ekho Moskvy/"The Moscow News")
Campaign Advertising Sparks Controversy

A Moscow court has banned Rodina (Motherland), a nationalist opposition party, from running in the December 4 elections to Moscow's City Duma. Judges ruled that the party's campaign advertisement incited racial hatred. The decision has incensed Rodina's leader, who has accused the authorities of trying to get rid of a powerful opposition force....(more)
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